Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Governor Foxworthy

Who else loved Arnold's speech?? "Eef you belieef dat I am at all qvalified to be ze governor of Kalifoorneea, you might be a Republican." He also managed to work in "Girlie Man," "Terminate," and "I'll be back." Awesome, awesome, awesome.

So frightening to see all these old women yelling and screaming for Arnold and W. They were actually chanting "4 More Years." Not just old women. All kinds of people (and I watched the replay of the speeches on Fox News, just for kicks - they definitely showed each and every black person in the audience when Arnold mentioned Nelson Mandela. Very subtle guys. Good job). Who in their right mind could want 4 more years with this moron in charge of the country?

I'd get with Jenna though. Too bad I'm not in NY to try to hook that up.