Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Excuse Me, Haarvaaard.

Apparently, some jackasses with ivy wrapped too tightly around their brains are up in arms about a dorm cleaning service started at the Big H on the theory that allowing students to use it would represent "an obvious display of wealth that would establish a perceived, if unspoken, barrier between students of different economic means."

I could rant on about this, because it's ridiculous. Are they seriously saying that students who desire to and can afford to hire a cleaning service shouldn't be allowed to because it might make other students feel bad? Should they also not be allowed to eat at nice restaurants? Should all Harvard students be required to dress in identical burlap potato sacks? Are you fucking kidding me?

Having gone to college at a place where the "displays of wealth" often bordered on the obscene (e.g., the Hummer often parked diagonally across the front lawn of a fraternity house) and where a substantial minority -- if not a borderline majority -- of students subscribed to the motto "Nothing Exceeds Like Excess" (Jesus - I do sound more like my dad every day), I say fuck you. The people whining about this are no doubt the same people who yell about needing to promote diversity and multiculturalism and tolerance -- all good things, mind you. But like it or not, if you want to be surrounded by people from diverse backgrounds to enhance your learning experience, some of those people are going to be rich kids. Can't you be satisfied with resenting and/or mocking them, as generations before you have?

Sloth - what the fuck is going on up there?