Sunday, March 13, 2005

What Makes Me Angry?

This. I have no standing to spout all kind of righteous indignation. I'm not a journalist, and am no expert on journalistic ethics. I do consider myself an authority on common sense, however (even if I don't always exercise it perfectly). And if you've ever wrapped a last minute birthday present with newspaper (Happy Birthday Mom!), you know enough about journalism that you couldn't possibly think it's OK to use prepackaged segments produced by the government and label them "news."

And what's the best some of the people who distribute these things to local affiliates could come up with:

"We look at them and determine whether we want them to be on the feed," David M. Winstrom, director of Fox News Edge, said of video news releases. "If I got one that said tobacco cures cancer or something like that, I would kill it."

Wow. That's some hardcore fact-checking there, Dave. Thanks. Fucking morons (I actually typed "Fucking mormons" by accident first. Perhaps if I have someone with a fake reporterish name and a camcorder go to Salt Lake City, we can find some way to blame them for this debacle).
