is my office. Clearly not on its best day, but it's a pretty accurate depiction. Picture was taken yesterday. Saturday. I only went in for like an hour. If I were smart, I would have stayed all day. And if I were smart, I would go in today. I have a lot of work to do. Instead, I will do the bare minimum today. I will have a phone call with our expert witness to put the finishing touches on his rebuttal report, and then watch football. Because I am in full on slacker mode. At a really inopportune time. Oh well.
Friday night was our firm holiday party. We have 2. There's this one, where all staff are invited but no significant others. Then, next month, there's one for just lawyers, where you can bring a date. It's all fancy and black tie. We call it "the prom." Kind of hilarious. So at Friday's thing, I, despite promising myself I wouldn't, drank too much. Actually, I think the only promise I made was that I wouldn't drink as much as last year. That one, I lived up to. I know this, because I went home alone and didn't spend all of yesterday puking my guts up. So that's a victory.
I hope to God that is the last picture of my office any of you will have to look at. I'm ready to do something about how much I hate it. Unsure what that something will be, but it's time. OK. I'm gonna go figure out what I need to talk to my expert about.
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