Urgent Cry For Help
OK, people. I'll still answer your damn questions (as of now, shouldn't be too hard, should it?), but I also need to reach out to you here. Date 2 with blind date girl has, because of various conflicts and busy schedules of 2 hip young NYers, been scheduled for Sunday. She had something last night, I had something tonight, we both had something tomorrow, she had something Saturday (so she's already 1 plan cooler than me). So we just talked and figured we should choose between Sunday and Monday. Knowing I could easily get slammed at work Monday, and that I likely have to be in court Tuesday morning, I said Sunday would probably be better. I was thinking, "Cool, I'll watch some football during the day, get my shit together, then go out and grab some drinks with BDG (and, of course, show her the naked baby pictures I have of her)." The conversation:
L: Yeah, Sunday is probably better.
BDG: OK, cool, Sunday works for me too. Oh, but I am going to the Knick game that night.
WTF? Now I'm stuck with a daytime date for which I'll clearly have to miss football. Worse still, the weather is supposed to be shitty, so it can't even be a wandering around just walking the city daytime date, which are my favorite kind (regardless of whether anyone joins me or not). What do I suggest as an indoor Sunday daytime date activity?? You don't do movies with someone you don't really know, right, because there's no small talk chit-chat opportunity. We're not gonna go to a bar and have drinks (or watch the football games, god forbid). Do I suggest a museum? Or is that boring and pretentious sounding? There are some subway photography exhibits at the Museum of the City of NY that I would dig checking out. Why haven't I ever learned how to do this??
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