Thursday, November 18, 2004

So, Here I am

sitting at my desk, reading last week's New York Magazine (that I'm only one week behind should tell you all that I'm not as crazed at work as I usually am). There was an article that was largely about one of the firm's biggest clients, and one I do a fair amount of work for, that I wanted to finish. I finished it. While there is (as always) plenty of work I could be doing right now, I realy don't have any pressing deadlines. I'm waiting on a call from a client, waiting on juniors to report back to me on some document review. I should clean up my office, which is a nightmare. Instead - because I don't anticipate having a whole lot more to do tomorrow, and because I get a maximum of like 3 people reading this every day anyway, most of whom know me, I am, belatedly, joining the "ask me questions" crew. Any questions received by midnight eastern tonight will be answered tomorrow (unless work blows up, in which case, I'll get to them over the weekend). Feel free to be serious, silly, personal, or all 3, but recognize that the answers you get may be the same. And somebody post something interesting for me to read this morning. Nobody can hope to live up to Cybele's Kiosk Extravaganza, but don't let that stop you from trying.