Friday, November 19, 2004

You Want Answers???

I think you're entitled to answers. Here goes:

Sloth said...
when, oh when, are you going to get haloscan?

Uh, soon.

Kate the Peon said...
Haha, I made it! What is your dream job that you drool about? Why do you stay in your current job (Feb bonus rings a bell, but seriously)? What's your ideal chic? Favorite memory? Nicknames?

Dream job (and laugh if you want, but those who know me have been hearing me say this forever) - Sheriff of a small town somewhere in the south or west;
Why am I here - "Why are you here? Why are any of us here? I think it was Jean Paul Sartre who once said . . . How do you spell Sartre?" (name the movie for bonus points). Seriously - I'm certainly sticking around for bonus at this point, but in a larger sense, I stay at this job because it's the only real one I've ever had, I have every reason to believe I'm good at it, I'm not really trained to do anything else, it pays well, and I fear change like a muthafucka;
Ideal Chic (I'll assume you meant ideal chicK, because frankly, I can't answer the other one) - very tough to say. Physically, I don't really have a type. I'm attracted to who I'm attracted to, and it's not always consistent. Personality wise, it's gonna sound like a cliche, but I want a caring, intelligent person. Sense of humor is an absolute must - that includes being funny and, most importantly, recognizing how fucking hilarious I am.
Favorite memory - that one's really tough. I've had a lot of good times in my life, but my memory of specific events/places/times etc. isn't so good (just ask "Anonymous"). Because I'm currently single, a lot of my good memories - times I recall being someplace with someone and being totally content and feeling like all was right with the world - kinda make me sad right now. How depressing.
Nicknames - well, other than LiAps, which has stuck with me for quite some time now, the only thing that comes to mind right now is when I was a kid in camp and some other kids used to call me "E=MC2." I wish I could say it was because I had a big Einstein Afro, but truth is it was just because I was, clearly, kind of a nerd. But I got my revenge. 6 times I believe.

Julie said...
Hmmm. I second Sloth's question. But also:Why do you live in New York? What color is your parachute? Where do you place yourself on Linus's Sexual Spectrum? And can you describe yourself in three words?There, that should keep you busy.

Why NY - Family and most of friends here, job here, and the aforementioned fear of change. I'm building up the courage though. I really really need a car, house, and dog.
Parachute - shit, if I'm jumping out of a plane, the last thing I'm concerned about is the color of the parachute.
Linus's Spectrum - as I posted in a comment there, I'm about a 0.2. The reason why is an entertaining story, which you should go there to read, since I ain't typing it again.
Can I describe myself in 3 words? No I can't. (Ha!)

Anonymous said...
why are you so attached to your couch and COPS and what is it about doing push-ups and sit-ups that causes you to push people away? :)

My couch is comfortable, COPS is a great show, push-ups and sit-ups are hard, and screw you "Anonymous." Just remember - you had it and gave it away; no wonder you don't want to admit who you are! ;<}

Kim said...
ok, when I post that it makes five readers. Dude, I check your blog every day... you're usually too busy to post. Did you clean up your office? Did the client call that you were waiting on? What color tie are you wearing today?

Clean office - started to, then gave up and sat here doing little to nothing;
Client - yes, we finally spoke at 6:15 last night. Of course, I have a call in to him today too, we'll see how that goes;
Tie - NONE, yesterday or today. I generally only wear one if I have a meeting with a client or have to go to court.

Aimee said...
I know I'm a little late, but I'm asking anyway--do you need a good contract adminstrator/paralegal/hummer? I hate my job, but I'd love to work for you! ;)

Do we need good paralegals here - absolutely! Some of them leave a lot to be desired. Although, I, uh, can't complain about the hummers they give. That said, I could definitely use one now (see below).

Big Pinz said...
Speaking as a longtime FoLA (Friend of LiAps), I can state with great confidence that he could use a good hummer.

Yes. Big Pinz is right. It's been far too long.

Thanks for playing everybody. Have a good weekend!