It's a new year. Almost. And, typically, I have made no resolutions. The title of the post was an incomplete attempt at a pun. I thought, "Resolution - New Year's, digital pictures . . . good enough." Mark my words, though - I will leave my current job in calendar '05. And if I haven't, at this time next year, somebody give me a colossal beatdown. Life is too short for a lot of things. And staying where I am, vocationally and metaphysically, is one of them.
The pic does represent some sort of turning point. I'm voluntarily showing my face (and my mom's) on the internets. All air of enigma, mystery, and anything "double secret" be damned. I am who and what I am; it is what it is. Word to ya mutha (or at least mine).
Hoping everyone has a fun and safe celebration tonight. And a 2005 that brings everything you want. Well, not everything. That would be no fun. But just about everything.
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