Random Happiness et. seq.
1) No idea why, but I feel really good/happy/content right now. Don't worry. It'll wear off in a few minutes. Left work circa 6:30 tonight and went to two different departure parties for associates leaving my firm. Good for them.
2) It's official. The results are in. Worst smelling cab in NY - 3E32. Congrats shady driver who had no license displayed as required!!! I've been in a grillion cabs. And some of them smell really really bad. Really bad. This one though, was unreal. It smelled like shit. And, like Steve Martin, I don't mean it like an expression or nothin'. It didn't smell stale, or like B.O., or like strange ethnic food I don't understand. It smelled like shit. I would not have been the least bit surprised to have opened the door and seen, in the light, a big steaming pile of actual human shit on the floor of the cab. And, on top of that, his meter was totally running fast. It is NOT a $13.40 ride from Water St. just north of the Seaport to my apartment. It's OK. I'll expense it.
3) Something on the Daily Show just now was so funny, I wanted to make it number 3, and I can't remember what it was. Was it "Fox has Hitler" as its mascot?? Maybe. Fuck.
4) In the past week or so, I've made airline reservations for like 4 different trips - weddings etc. Man, my next credit card bill is gonna be ugly. Anyone wanna go to a wedding in Columbus, OH over Memorial Day weekend? Assuming I'm invited "& guest" and haven't met the woman of my dreams by then, feel free to submit essays of no more than 500 words detailing why you'd be my best option.
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