Now I've Seen It All
This, like much you can find on the internet, would be funny, but for the fact that it's apparently real. The group's initial mission: " educating the Jewish community about the historical evils that Jews have suffered when they have been disarmed." Because, you know, the Nazis were able to get that whole concentration camp thing accomplished only after shrewdly offering all the rabbis of Eastern Europe above-market value for the assault rifles that they kept up on the bimah in accordance with ancient Jewish tradition. Good news for all the goyim out there though - "JPFO has always welcomed persons of all religious beliefs who share a common goal of opposing and reversing victim disarmament policies while advancing liberty for all."
Just in case this group no longer exists when I have little Semitic Soldiers of my own, I'm pre-ordering several copies of the "Gran'pa Jack" series pamphlet "'Gun Control' Kills Kids." In fact, I'm gonna order 100 copies and start handing them out at every bris I go to. Which, by the way, I hope is none.
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