Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Love That Confucius

If we don't change the direction we are headed, we will end up where we are going.

That's a Chinese proverb, according to my iced tea cap. And I like it.

Which is why I, today, announced my intention to change the direction I am headed. I told the powers that be at my firm that my last day there will be in early June. I have accepted an offer to serve a 1-year term as law clerk to a Federal District Court Judge here in NY. I've known for a few weeks, and technically didn't have to tell them until 4 weeks before (most people only give 2 weeks notice). But I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Don't get me wrong - I am still going to work like an animal for the 4 months I'm there. With a case going to trial next month, I will be abused in the customary fashion. But still. This clerkship is an awesome opportunity. In every way but financially, it will be great. So, other than struggling to get my head around the fact that I'm voluntarily taking a 67% pay cut, I'm really really psyched about this. It opens doors that are otherwise sometimes hard to open, and is great experience. The hours will certainly be more predictable and not nearly as crazy; I might have time to have a life. Which is scary, because once I don't have this job as an excuse, how do I justify being the last single guy on Earth (Earth being loosely defined as my group of friends)?

The clerkship doesn't start until September, so I'm essentially taking 3 months off. I've planned a trip to Asia - 3 weeks in Singapore, Hong Kong, and wherever else I choose to hop to. And some friends are getting married in that interim period, so there are weddings and bachelor parties to attend also.

I could write volumes about this decision (and maybe I will). But I'm tired, and have to meet a friend for breakfast at 6:45 am. I'm sure there will be more reflections on all this in future posts. For now, though, I'm much more excited than scared. Which is nice.