Sunday, July 25, 2004

Run, Don't Walk

to your nearest Blockbuster and/or television with Cinemax On Demand, get comfortable on your couch, and see Cabin Fever.  When this movie came out in the theater, I wanted to see it.  I was apparently the only one, so it disappeared before I had a chance.  Tonight, after drafting an answer to a complaint in a multi-million dollar antitrust suit while watching the Mets get their asses kicked by the Braves, I figured I'd put on a fizzilm for background noise while I drafted an answer to another similar complaint.  I know, I know, you're thinking "Drafting TWO answers on a single Saturday night?  LiAps - you're an animal!!"  What can I say?  Live Hard, Die Young.  But wait, only the good die young.   (Furdells, I owe you a beer.  Though, I swear, I would have thought of that myself).  Whatever.

So anyway, I noticed Cabin Fever was available on the On Demand channel, and figured it would give me something to look up at occasionally, in between denying knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of all those damned allegations.  As you might have guessed, it didn't turn out that way.  I was hooked.  Why?  It defies explanation.  The whole movie defies explanation.  To wit, the following actual dialogue:

"Why would you want to shoot a squirrel?"

"I don't know, because they're gay?"

It got more nonsensical from there.  And I loved it.  True, in the beginning it could have been in large part due to the hot little blonde chick (I like those.  I like them a lot).  But SPOILER AHEAD (I learned that from reading IMDB reviews): she's the first of the crew to get the mysterious disease and start decomposing before your eyes.  If it were just about her, I would have lost interest halfway through.  There was just something about the movie.  It was the perfect combination of awful horor flick with a few laughs, awful comedy with just enough violence and overall grossness, and movie that just makes you say "Huh?" 

So see it.  Even if you don't fall in love, stick it out.  The horrible cheap laugh in the last scene is reward enough.  Oh, and Deputy Winston.  If ever there was a character I could identify with . . .