Raise Your Hand
if you've ever been walking up Sixth Ave. and seen a transvestite who looks kinda like your grandma.
OK, just me then?
if you've ever been walking up Sixth Ave. and seen a transvestite who looks kinda like your grandma.
Dear LiAps:
I'm disproportionately outraged by the MasterCard commercial that blatantly rips off the scene in Swingers where "Mike" calls "Nikki" 47 times on the night they first meet. They even use the same names. At least somebody else has noticed it. I don't know if she's just speculating on the fact that the Swingers people are getting residuals, or if she has some inside information (if it can even be imagined that a "celebrity gossip" writer for the Post might know more about the Hollywood scene than me), but either way I'm angry. Either at the MasterCard people for the blatant ripoff, or at the Swingers people for selling out. And, some guy I've never heard of, Marty Z, is with me (forgive me for not respacing after the cut and paste; I'm tired):
like flipping through the channels and finding that "So I Married An Axe Murderer" is on, just in time for the best line in the movie.
Game over, BigPharma. You win. I promise promise promise that if I ever find myself on the wrong end of an erection lasting more than four hours (well, I guess the other end would be worse, but you know what I mean), I will seek IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. Now can you stop fucking talking about them (and how rare they are) every 30 seconds while I'm trying to watch tv???
Mike Piazza has apparently decided to go with a full time beard! Congratulations Mike and Alicia (call me babe, I know how those arrangements work, and discreet is my middle name!).
So I could watch this and laugh hysterically even though it's not that funny. The site this comes from, uselessjunk, is aptly named. They put up some crazy shit. And it often involves naked women. So, um, that's good. Unless you're the kid in the video.
I've been pretty damned irritable lately. It's torture knowing there's a light at the end of the tunnel jobwise (remember my one resolution - I'm outta here calendar 05), but at the same time knowing that the next 3 months are going to be hellish. Like the worst hell I've ever seen here. One of my cases is gearing up for trial (it's actually arbitration, but it's trial for all intents and purposes), and the partner I'm working for is a classic yeller. He is impossible to deal with when he's in a bad mood, and that is not infrequent. It is going to be a nightmare, and he is not shy about telling the entire team that's the case.
Not the greatest sunrise picture from my family honeymoon, but I love the fishing rod in the foreground.
And because I really don't want to work yet today:
I love to write. I don't get excited writing summary judgment briefs anymore (yes, I admit that sometimes I used to), and I've grown a bit cycnical and jaded where long, personal letters and soul-baring emails are concerned (that's probably mostly a function of having nobody to address such things to these days).
You have to be kidding me. I love tv, and lament that I don't have more time to watch it. But some things are such bad ideas that even the fact that they appear on that magical box in my living room can't save them. Tomorrow night, FX is airing Smallpox. Briefly, the premise is apparently that one man infects himself with smallpox intentionally, and the whole rest of the world gets it as well. It's the bio-terrorism we've all been waiting for!! But it's just a movie, right? Well, not according to FX's ingenious tag line: "It's all true. It just hasn't happened yet!"